I was asked to do this for BeerAdvocate, I will put it here as well.
What does Kunze have to say about Weissbier production?

As you can see from the graph above Wiessbier is a balancing act of three dominant flavor profiles. How you produce that beer, meaning the methods used, will determine your overall profile. Many professional German breweries have different flavor profiles, so you need to first you need to pick your Benchmark. For me and traditional weiss, it is Weihenstephaner hefe weissbier.
I know current brewers. I know past brewers, and I know present and past students at Weihenstephaner. I have the recipe and I make it quite frequently. It’s spot on.
However, I have been entrusted with the recipe, so I can’t share but what I can tell you is that W loves carahell (who doesn’t!) and its in this beer. The problem with clone recipes is that often they don’t produce the same beer on our scale due to all the differences, so even if I gave you the recipe, it matters little. It’s all in how you as homebrewers adapt it on our scale and process.
What everyone fails to realize is that weiss production is as precise as lager production. It’s yeast dominated so people think they are easy to do because of all the phenolics of the yeast, but it couldn’t be more wrong. There are so many nuances to these beers.. Yeasty, phenolic, clove, banana, dough, lingering malt, sauergut, etc. It’s these same reasons why I feel American versions usually fall short and pales in comparison. You can’t go off bottles either cause, because they are oxidized, and some of the flavors that come though are oxidized flavors, namely honey.
So what would I do if I was trying to reproduce W hefeweiss bier here at home??
60% Weyermann Wheat malz
35% Weyermann Barke Pils
5% Weyermann carahell
Step mash (though decoction is tradional and still used, be wary of color pick up though).
30 minute rest at 114 (to enhance esters and clove)
then step up though beta
147 for 30-40
163 for 30
Do not adjust pH at all let it ride.
Soft water, I like 40ish ppm ca, 70cl, 20na.
FG 1.010
Pristine wort preboil, soft boil 60minutes
A 60min addition of hallertau mittlefruh, to about 12-14ibu
hot and cold break separation
5ppm 02, 1 smack pack per 5g of 3068
Ferment at 68F (to enhance banana)
Spund or Krausen to 4 vols.
That will do you good. At least thats how I would (do) do it.

Other kinds of Weiss:
BASICALLY, filtered hefe weiss bier. I use my standard hefe recipe and lager it for an extended time. (I don’t filter or fine).

More traditional, older variant, usually darker but not into dunkelweiss territory. Usually munich heavy with no caramalts. My benchmark for this is Ayinger Ur-Weisse.
60% Weyermann Wheat malz
40% Wyermann Barke Munich (11L)
Step mash (though decoction is traditional and still used, be wary of color pick up though).
30 minute rest at 114 (to enhance esters and clove)
then step up though beta
147 for 30-40
163 for 30
Do not adjust pH at all let it ride.
Soft water, I like 40ish ppm ca, 70cl, 20na.
FG 1.011ish
Pristine wort preboil, soft boil 60minutes
A 60min addition of hallertau mittlefruh, to about 12-14ibu
hot and cold break separation
5ppm 02, 1 smack pack per 5g of 3068
Ferment at 68F (to enhance banana)
Spund or Krausen to 4 vols.

DunkelWeiss: Kind of like Ur-wiess but usually with a caramalt added, and usually its darker in the Caramunich Variant.
60% Weyermann Wheat malz
30-35% Wyermann Barke Munich (11L)
5-10% Weyermann Caramunich (I-III on preference)
Step mash (though decoction is traditional and still used, be wary of color pick up though).
30 minute rest at 114 (to enhance esters and clove)
then step up though beta
147 for 30-40
163 for 30
Do not adjust pH at all let it ride.
Soft water, I like 40ish ppm ca, 70cl, 20na.
FG 1.013ish
Pristine wort preboil, soft boil 60minutes
A 60min addition of hallertau mittlefruh, to about 12-14ibu
hot and cold break separation
5ppm 02, 1 smack pack per 5g of 3068
Ferment at 68F (to enhance banana)
Spund or Krausen to 4 vols.